Course Overview

Designed for beginner to intermediate birdwatchers, this 8-chapter course will provide the essential tools and knowledge to enjoy birdwatching with a focus on Florida species

  • Get to know 120 birds of Florida by season

  • Learn the essentials on binoculars, field guides, and apps

  • See how size, shape, behavior and sounds help to identifying birds

  • Understand why birds matter in our ecosystem

  • Gain confidence with expert advice as you get started on your birdwatching journey

Course curriculum

An 8-part plan to learn the most common birds of Florida

  • 2

    Chapter 2: How to Identify Birds

    • Chapter 2 Overview

    • Lesson 1: Range and Season

    • Lesson 2: Size and Shape

    • Lesson 3: Color Patterns and Markings

    • Lesson 4: Behavior

    • Lesson 5: Vocalizations

    • Quiz: Bird Identification

  • 3

    Chapter 3: Waterbirds

    • Chapter 3: Overview

    • Lesson 1: Habitats for Waterbirds

    • Lesson 2: Slideshow - Waterbirds

    • Lesson 3: Facts to ID - Waterbirds

    • Quiz: Identify These 10 Waterbirds

  • 4

    Chapter 4: Waterfowl, Gamebirds and Raptors

    • Chapter 4: Overview

    • Lesson 1: Habitats for Waterfowl, Gamebirds & Raptors

    • Lesson 2: Slideshow - Waterfowl, Gamebirds & Raptors

    • Lesson 3: Facts to ID - Waterfowl, Gamebirds & Raptors

    • Quiz: Identify These 10 Waterfowl, Gamebirds & Raptors

  • 5

    Chapter 5: Shorebirds, Gulls and Terns

    • Chapter 5: Overview

    • Lesson 1: Habitats for Shorebirds, Gulls and Terns

    • Lesson 2: Slideshow - Shorebirds, Gulls and Terns

    • Lesson 3: Facts to ID - Shorebirds, Gulls and Terns

    • Quiz: Identify These 10 Shorebirds, Gulls and Terns

  • 6

    Chapter 6: Landbirds

    • Chapter 6: Overview

    • Lesson 1: Habitats for Landbirds

    • Lesson 2: Slideshow - Landbirds

    • Lesson 3: Facts to ID - Landbirds

    • Quiz: Identify These 10 Landbirds

  • 7

    Chapter 7: Town & Suburban Songbirds (Passerines)

    • Chapter 3: Overview

    • Lesson 1: Habitats for Town & Suburban Songbirds

    • Lesson 2: Slideshow - Town & Suburban Songbirds (Passerines)

    • Lesson 3: Facts to ID - Town & Suburban Songbirds

    • Quiz: Identify These 10 Town & Suburban Songbirds

  • 8

    Chapter 8: Wildlands Songbirds (Passerines) & Conservation

    • Chapter 8: Overview

    • Lesson 1: Habitats for Wildlands Songbirds (Passerines)

    • Lesson 2: Slideshow - Wildlands Songbirds (Passerines)

    • Lesson 3: Facts to ID - Wildlands Songbirds (Passerines)

Your Birdwatching Course Instructors

Developed by National Audubon Society author and birding expert Peter Alden

Senior Instructor

Peter Alden

Peter Alden is a world renowned naturalist, lecturer, ecotourism guide and author of 15 books on North American and African wildlife, including the National Audubon Society’s Regional Field Guide Series. He is considered to be an authority on birds and larger mammals of the world and is often consulted by the media and the ecotourism industry for his expertise. Peter is also a highly entertaining and widely sought after lecturer on topics that include world wildlife, the Polar regions, invasive plants and biodiversity.

Florida Instructor

Christa Markley

Christa has spent most of career in as a communication specialist in higher education and ecotourism. She grew up on the coast of Florida in Merritt Island, not far from the National Wildlife Refuge. Birdwatching started as a curiosity and grew into a passion when she joined Holbrook Travel, a leading birding company, where she managed communications. She currently works as a Communications Specialist at the University of Florida and supports Spark Birding’s marketing in her spare time. Christa has a BFA in motion picture arts from Florida State University.

Bonus Items

As part of this course, you get the following extra items

  • Get to know 120 bird species

    What are the most common birds in Florida? When and where are you likely to see them? Get a list with photos, species names, and features to start you on your "Life List".

  • Audubon Field Guide to Florida by Author, Peter Alden

    Sign up for the course and you'll be eligible to purchase a copy of this indispensable Field Guide at a 10% discount.

  • Hotspots of Florida

    Get an overview of some of the best birdwaching sites in Florida. Understand the preferred habitats by different bird types.

This course is entirely online

A fun, informative way to learn the basics from an expert

  • Self-paced, no deadline to complete the course

  • Return to the lessons as often as you want

  • All course materials - instruction, videos, quizzes are accessible via web browser

Course Fee

Sign up with secure payment options

Social proof: reviews

5 star rating

Great fun and well-delivered

Beth Clary

Great fun and well-delivered information. Mr. Alden is clear and shares tidbits of bird trivia, history and perhaps little known facts that add to the genera...

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Great fun and well-delivered information. Mr. Alden is clear and shares tidbits of bird trivia, history and perhaps little known facts that add to the general information about becoming a birder.

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5 star rating

A truly fun experience

Molly Nye

A truly fun experience, full of surprising information, like the biological background of the blue jay and the fact that the tufted titmouse is related to th...

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A truly fun experience, full of surprising information, like the biological background of the blue jay and the fact that the tufted titmouse is related to the chickadee.

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5 star rating

Really, really good

Christopher Bensley

I found it easy to progress through, got me hooked. I like how they mixed in photos with tips and videos. you can go back and forth so you can skip to a sect...

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I found it easy to progress through, got me hooked. I like how they mixed in photos with tips and videos. you can go back and forth so you can skip to a section you want to learn more about. Also price is very reasonable for all you get.

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5 star rating

Great for beginners

Yvonne Liu-Constant

Wonderful information for beginners, covering a wide range of topics.

Wonderful information for beginners, covering a wide range of topics.

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star rating

star rating

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